Communications Junkie in Progress

There are many forms of communication, as we all very well know. According to many textbooks and websites, including Ubiquity, it is made known to us that communication is merely 7% verbal ... leaving the other 93% to voice tone (38%) and body language (55%). 

But what about text and picture and video and and and??? 

There is just so much to communication. It's almost like an endless pool of Netflix binging (my favorite!), and I don't even know where to start in order to understand it all.

But I must!

I must understand it!

I must understand it all!

And I must help everyone I know understand as well!

It's a drug for me. I want to know more. I need to know more. I want to have all the information and I want it now!

Why? That's probably what you're asking, right?

Why does she care so much?

Well it's simple really. My life depends on it. All my relationships with my friends, my family, my coworkers, my enemies ... they all depend on one thing ... communication.

Every relationship I have, good or bad, is a result of communication. And thus, I want to master it. And I want to share what I master. (Because sharing is caring of course!)

So for my Capstone Project I am starting this blog. Since it would be impossible to share all my mastery with you in one 8 week term, I shall focus on my hopes to master communication in my current job, as I feel like it is a bit lacking and in need of help. 

Through this blog I will document my journey of finding new and more effective ways to communicate with my boss and my colleagues in hopes of improving office productivity and employee moral.

Wanna help me get my fix? If you have ideas or suggestions for me to try during this journey don't hesitate to leave them in the comments!


Yaffe, Phillip. (2011, Oct.). The 7% Rule Fact, Fiction, or Misunderstanding. Ubiquity. Retrieved from
